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North Coast Road

The North Coast Road is an (estimated) 25-kilometre-long stretch of winding road with constant elevation changes, dense overhead forestry, and intermittent peeks at the beautiful panoramas of the ocean and shorelines running along the picturesque north coast of Trinidad.

With twisting low-speed corners, downhill and uphill banked hairpins, and the occasional straightaway, the journey is always exhilarating, as you are constantly engaging with your car to remain in the right gear, looking out for the odd road imperfection while being bombarded by the beauty of the sun’s rays cutting through the forest canopy above. On weekends, the road is usually very busy with beach traffic, therefore early mornings on your off days are by far the best times to enjoy this commute.

For a driving enthusiast, once respected and adequate care is taken, the North Coast Road leaves little to be desired when it comes to driving feel and scenic beauty.


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